Explanation: This graph shows the evolution of the number of students at the Flemish universities over time. For a more nuanced view, this graph also provides the option to zoom in further on nationality and gender. When selecting a line, it is possible to view the underlying distribution among these categories in more detail.
How to use this graph? How to export the displayed data and/or graph?
Sources: The displayed data are taken from the reports of the Education statistics for Higher Education in Flanders using the applications “Dataloep“.
Education statistics for Higher Education in Flanders provide detailed information on various aspects of higher education in the region. These statistics are typically collected and published by institutions such as the Department of Education and Training of the Flemish government. Key components of these statistics include student numbers, student profiles, teaching staff, study programs, and funding. These statistics are often published in annual reports and are available through various platforms such as the website of the Department of Education and Training, and the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training. They offer valuable insights for policymakers, researchers, educational institutions, and the general public to analyze and understand trends and developments in higher education.
With the interactive application “Dataloep” (in Dutch), you can easily search for data on education in Flanders. By using criteria and filters such as residence, study program, and year of birth, you can find the desired figures for different academic years. Here we present a part of this information, focusing on the number of students (excluding PhD students) enrolled at the five Flemish universities.