
Success rates funding (FWO)

Explanation: This graph shows the evolution of success rates for funding by FWO (number of funded vs. non-funded applications). For a more nuanced view of this ratio, the graph also provides the option to further zoom in on the following parameters: type of funding, gender, nationality, and discipline. When selecting a line, it is possible to view the underlying distribution among these categories in more detail.
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Sources: The data is provided by FWO, and this chart offers an interactive way to view similar information as presented in the annual reports since 2010.

Core theme: Success rates funding (FWO)

Time evolution success rates of FWO-Flanders funding for fundamental and strategic fellowships and research projects.


  • The average success rate for FWO funding fluctuates between 20% and 30%.
  • In the past year, the success rates have decreased by 3-4% for nearly all types of FWO funding. Only strategic pre-doc funding (FWO-SB) has remained stable at around 31-32%.
  • The current success rates at FWO are as follows: research projects (18-20%), fundamental pre-doc and post-doc fellowships (23-25%), strategic pre-doc fellowships (31-32%), and clinical fundamental fellowships (50-70%).
  • Although 10 years ago men had an average of 5% higher success rate at the FWO, it is now almost equal or 1-3% higher for women.
  • Although 10 years ago there was a 10% spread in success rates at the FWO between different scientific disciplines, this is now almost equal (2% spread).

Within the Flemish research landscape, the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) is one of the main sources of funding. Recent graduates can apply for a fundamental or strategic ‘pre-doc’ fellowship, which provides four years of funding to carry out their research project under the supervision of a professor at a Flemish university. Researchers who have just obtained their PhD can apply for a ‘post-doc’ fellowship (up to 2 x 3 years of funding). Professors can also submit their own fundamental or strategic project proposals to hire pre-doctoral and post-doctoral researchers. Since there are far more applications than available funding, the majority of applications are not selected, with an average of 20-30% of proposals being granted. Due to the relatively low success rates, many excellent proposals and projects cannot be approved.

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