
Funding per discipline (FWO)

Explanation: This graph shows the evolution of the number of applications funded by FWO across various scientific disciplines. To provide a more nuanced view of this ratio, this graph also offers the ability to further zoom in on the following parameters: type of funding, gender, and nationality. When selecting a line, it is possible to view the underlying distribution among these categories in more detail.
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Sources: The data is provided by FWO, and this chart offers an interactive way to view similar information as presented in the annual reports since 2010.

Core theme: Funding per discipline (FWO)

Time evolution of the number of funded applications by FWO-Vlaanderen within different scientific disciplines.


  • Within the panels of Medical Sciences and Science & Technology, we find the majority of funded FWO applications (~25-30%), followed by Social Sciences, Humanities, and Biological Sciences (~11-16%), and Interdisciplinary Sciences (~2-5%).
  • FWO applications from Belgium and Europe are similarly varied and stable. Applications from Asia are primarily within Science & Technology.
  • 29-37% of all funded FWO applications by men are within Science & Technology, while this is only 13-20% for women. Women have relatively more funded applications within the other disciplines.

To ensure a dynamic and balanced academic landscape, it is essential to properly allocate the limited financial resources across the various scientific disciplines. In Flanders, until recently, three different classification lists for research disciplines were in use: FWO, FRIS, and VLIR disciplines. On behalf of the Flemish government, the Flemish Research Discipline Standard (VODS), a classification list for research disciplines, was introduced. This website displays data mainly based on the FWO disciplines, as specified in the FWO expert panels: Humanities, Science and Technology, Biological Sciences, Interdisciplinary Sciences, Medical Sciences, and Social Sciences. Applications within these disciplines are assessed and ranked by a panel of international experts. Each FWO panel evaluates projects from multiple (comparable) scientific disciplines and aims for equitable success rates across the various panels. Consequently, the proportion of funded research roughly reflects the proportion of submitted applications. However, some panels cover more (sub)disciplines than others, which can lead to higher competition for funding within certain (sub)disciplines. Additionally, research within some disciplines may be more expensive. In such cases, FWO and other funders provide specific channels for the acquisition of expensive equipment, such as laboratory setups. At present, we cannot yet display information on scientific disciplines in the graphs based on VLIR personnel statistics, but we hope to add this information later. However, the main trends visible in the interactive graph can also be found in the VLIR personnel statistics.

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